Monday, May 21, 2012

Eye of the Storm

I went on a walk with Dad the other night after dinner. While we were walking and talking, I told him I felt like I was in the eye of a hurricane. I had just gone through finals, a big move, and finishing up work. Now I have NOTHING going on and nothing to do. BUUUTT come June, my online class starts, wedding festivities really get going :):) and I leave for West Virginia for a couple of weeks then return just in time to start nursing school in July.

Everything has been so exciting and fun for me lately, and it's about to get exciting and fun again. But, for now, ya girl here is pretttyyyy bored. I'm trying to enjoy and relax (which I totally am!) but I've began to get creative when it comes to entertainment.

I have spent a lot of time with my sweet parents, tagged along with Daddy to some work things (again, I just smile and nod because I usually have noooo idea what they're talking about), and the best- spent time with my sweet friends from high school. There is something SO refreshing about being able to pick right back up where we left off.

But, one of my favorite things I've been doing during my "down time" is COOKING. Don't get too excited, I can't cook anything special... but I sure have made progress! So far, I've made lots of veggies, a pork tenderloin, and my latest- salmon!!! Next goal?... GRILLING. Yep, I'm making Dad teach me to grill this week. Stop right now, and say a quick prayer that our house is still standing after this lesson!

Just wanted to update while I'm enjoying time at home with no schedule and no schoolwork and no responsibility... it sure has been fun! Now bring on some more chaos, I 'm well rested!

I really moved out... I might still be in denial?

Doing lots of back yard lounging... I don't mind it one bit!


Salmon, mushrooms and broccolini. Typical, I couldn't wait and took a huge bite out of salmon before taking a picture :/ I was hungry...oops.

I'm off to do something really productive... like watch a movie or something. Until next time y'all.... :)

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