Sunday, January 22, 2012

Give me a break, I'm new!

Bear with me, I absolutely suck at this!
Well.. I sure never thought I’d be doing this. Buuuut here I am, blogger KP. And I have my reasons for doing so..
1.    I love reading blogs.
2.    My main reason: I have this severe discomfort when talking about faith related things. I’m extremely private when it comes to my walk with the Lord. I think, subconsciously, I feel not worthy to discuss my relationship with God. Like it’s not good enough or something… which it’s not. But, really, no one’s is. It’s a relationship that must be worked on daily, like any relationship. So, here’s to getting over that discomfort.
One of my many new year’s resolutions for 2012 (I have many lofty goals for this year :) watch out!) has been to write down my prayers. My dad/best friend (its whatever) suggested the book “Letters to God”, which provoked this resolution. It’s an amazing book with a very simple message and I highly recommend. Like, you HAVE to read it. But warning, you will cry. A LOT. Anyways, writing down my prayers has led to journaling which led to this. So, get ready for my odd thoughts that will be alllll over the place, some thoughts on what the Lord has showing me, and probably some cheesiness.
So, this morning- I read Proverbs 3:5-6 (Trust in the Lord with all your heart; Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do and He will show you what path to take). Well, for a girl trying to get into nursing school, and having no idea where I’ll be in the fall, that was unbelievably comforting. See, I have this problem, where I know what I want, and I have a hard time understanding why it doesn’t always happen. Spoiled. Rotten. I know... I’m working on it. I know that I may not get into the nursing school I want (or any for that matter) but I have a calmness because I know it’s the Lord in control, not me. Continually seeking Him is hard stuff, and I usually (okay- always) fall short… but I’m giving it my best efforts. He hasn’t led me wrong yet; I have the most amazing life and am beyond undeserving. So, from this morning’s devotion, I want to work on continuing to seek Him, striving to do His will, and trust that He will take care of me. Contentment is a great feeling… happy Sunday, y’all!


  1. love this idea!! excited to read. love you!

  2. Katie, This is a great start to the blogging life...and I love your blog. I'm in my third year of blogging now ( and its a great experience. Be diligent and committed to updating regularly. You'll meet all sorts of new folks....and friends you haven't been in contact with for a while will find you.

    Go Katie, Go....

